Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ile d'Yeu

Monday 15/07/2013
We left on Wednesday morning early to head off to the Ile d’Yeu, north of Les Sables of the French coast. It was a great sail with good speed and we made it to the Ile d’Yeu by lunchtime. As the wind was coming from the north east, we stayed on the western side of the island and anchored in a beautiful bay.

We spend Wednesday and Thursday exploring the island with its lovely white houses with colourful shutters and paddle boarding and relaxing.

We set sail again on Friday morning to go to La Trinite sur Mer, but turned around after a couple of hours, as the winds got up to 40knots and the seas were rough. We reefed the main sail and had the stay sail up and the boat went well with this, but we didn’t need to go anywhere, so we decided to stay a bit longer at the Ile d’Yeu instead and went back to our anchorage we had before. Saturday and Sunday at the island were fantastic; we met some nice French people at the beach, Sebastian and Simon with all their kids and their mum Lucille, who invited us to come with them to see the fireworks on Saturday night for the celebration of Bastille Day.

 So the weekend was spent with windsurfing (an English kid offered to give us lessons... great!), paddling, bike tours exploring the island and our new friends.

Monday morning off again, back to Les Sables to get ready to leave to go back to Australia... Ben needs to do some more studying, the boat needs cleaning .... we had to motor sail most of the way as there was no wind at all! Back at Les Sables at lunchtime.
And Big Thanks to Chris, Tene and kids for looking after Pete so well (the food was just too nice! Had to work it all off again later!) at their hotel Le Chene Vert all this time while the boat was getting built!!!

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